Stichting BirdLife Europe is the European Secretariat of the 47 European and Central Asian partners of the 121 partner global environmental NGO BirdLife International
BirdLife Europe and Central Asia is a founding partner of the One World Learning network.
BirdLife’s mission is to conserve wild birds, their habitats and global biodiversity, by working with people in their communities towards sustainability in the use of natural resources. Our unique local to global approach and partnership of national conservation organizations, delivers long-term conservation solutions for the benefit of nature and people.
Through our partners, to be effective on the ground, we have a commitment to raising awareness in local communities about the environment and biodiversity through a diverse set of environmental education programs which may involve local birdwatching and community organizations, school systems and national Ministries of Education, citizen science groups and nature reserves, among others.
Our work involves supporting our local partners in this through helping them with promotion, public relations and materials and supporting cross-partner collaborative sharing of knowledge and best practice in the field. We use our evidence-based science to inform our partners’ environmental education and their conservation action on the ground, and to influence the communities in which they operate to support nature.
To contact Birdlife Europe and Central Asia
Stichting BirdLife Europe
Avenue de la Toison d'Or 67,
B-1060 Bruxelles, BELGIUM
+32 2 280 08 30,